Freebies things

My eyes are always drawn to free things offered in sold items. I mean I know it’s a strategy to make us buy their products, but I can’t help it. I love freebies.

Last week I went to Burger King with my mom to have lunch. At the counter my eyes were instantly drawn to a very cute mini Polar Bear plushie. I have to buy their products at a min purchase to get it. So, I sort of persuaded my mom into buying a large package to reach the minimum. I couldn’t hide my grin when the server took out the Polar Bear from under the counter.

Just today, I found another freebies at a supermarket. There was a cute ceramic tea cup attached to a box of green tea bags. I didn’t recognize the brand, but I’m willing to buy it just to get the cup, although I already bought two boxes of the usual tea I drink. And, guess what, I bought four boxes of it so I could have a set of the same tea cups XD

I’m just a loser at this kind of thing.



DATED – the art of doodling

So, I’m a reeeeeeeeally good on procrastinating. I always find reasons to hold on doing the things I needed to do.
Just few days ago I read an entry in a friend’s blog. She is doing WIP Files (not sure what it stands for….) but basically, to motivate herself she must write about something she did each day. I think if I do something like that, it might be a good way to motivate myself to do the things I always want to do but find reasons to delay it. Might be a bit of a challenge for me because I get easily bored and couldn’t commit myself for long. Well, we’ll see how far I’ll do this everyday thing. And to make it sounds cool, I decide to call it DATED, which stands for Do A Thing Each Day.

Today I thought about doodling. Recently it seems doodling got popular everywhere. I think it looks cool. Like being just half way out of your mind and daydreaming while holding a pen and scratching things, and voila! what an art! No. Definitely not that easy as an empty minded thing. Well, it might be if you’re a really gifted artist. But even artists don’t get instant skill like that. It needs practice, and so is doodling.

Few months back I’ve tried doodling on my sketch book, and the result was so embarrassingly not artsy that I won’t even let anyone see that horrible thing. I tried to see what the difference between mine and those that get pinned on pinterest. I notice doodling is not just as random as it seems. It still needs structure, a certain set of rules. If you want to fill a space, you need pattern, and to make it looks good that pattern have to have a coherence to the pattern next to it.

So now I get it how I’m supposed to do when doodling, I want to do one whole page of it. But as usual, once I understand the work of it, my mind goes blank on what I want to draw.But I’ll start with something I recently see a lot, and that is cute cats.
So, do I know how to draw cute, cartoony cat? No. Seems I have to practice drawing cats first before even attempting on doodling it. Yes, I’m such an aspiring perfectionist ( ̄ー ̄)

So, today’s attempt resulting on a drawing of a (hopefully) cute little cat drawn in the corner of my daily planner.


New Year, New Goals……supposedly

First day of the year! I should have make some resolutions or some list of things I should do, but whenever I write something like that it will never be done anyway.
So, so, so,……I think I will just think about short term goal, that can be achievable within this week, like cleaning the dust on my bookcases, and putting the jumbled books in order again.
Or maybe finishing a year-old-never-finished painting that I really intend to finish but not finding the right mind for it.
Or maybe drawing some sketches of characters from a novel series that I just recently finished.
But just thinking of seems like it’s never getting done. My mind like now is just like a cracker that is hit in the middle, so that it splits into uneven pieces. Between this and that, what should I do first………..

unfinished painting